Tuesday, March 10, 2015

5 Reasons to Avoid Negativity and Stress in Life

Sometimes you feel like there’s no way out of the stress that you are in. Sometimes the friend’s advices don’t seem enough to cope up with your situation. Sometimes you just feel like running away from everything and everyone. Sometimes you feel like going to some place new and start afresh. But you know what – only cowards run away from problems and stress in life. Real people know how to be in the situations and fight for their rights and lives.

My biggest question is – why get into stress when you can avoid it completely? People search for natural remedies for stress, but nobody searches or writes on different ways to avoid negativity and stress in life. After all, you get stressed because you take it. Sometimes, you need to get up and breathe and then get back into the situation to fight and cope up with it.

Don’t get confused – I neither suggest people to run away from their problems nor sit and crib over it. I am a very optimistic person and I believe in avoiding stress for as long as I can. So how do I do that? Following are some of the ways in which I avoid stress in my life:

  1. I completely ignore negative peopleI once had a best friend who had a lot of problems in her life. She always came to me and discussed about her life. I helped her as much as I could. However, I then realized I was highly stressed and had weight gain because her stress was stressing me more than her. So what did I do? I told her bluntly not to talk about her problems. No, I was not rude. I helped her with the solutions. I only asked once about her problems and told her never to crib over it. Now, she is happily settled with two beautiful daughters and an amazing husband in life. We aren’t friends anymore because of the distance, but we do exchange hellos every now and then!
  2. Turn down the volume of the TV when there’s any rape or violent scene in the movie If you are not comfortable with violence or rape scenes in a movie, change the channel or leave the place for a few minutes. This is what I do. In fact, I don’t even watch news because I believe that it stresses me and I can’t afford to be stressed in life!
  3. Meditate for at least an hour in a day Meditation does help. Try it!
  4. Get a new haircut I know you are going to laugh on this, but a lot of people say that a new haircut tends to avoid negativity in their lives. This is one of the reasons why women go for trimming the hair every six months!
Shop, go out and meet new friends It is always good to meet new people in life. You don’t need to date someone to be with him or have a cup of coffee with him. If he is your friend and you need him, he would surely come down to have lunch or coffee with you. But remember one thing – when you are with your friends – neither discuss about their problems nor yours as it would only lead to more stress and negativity in life!